Vemireddy Prabhakara Reddy of Nellore commands respect from the people of his constituency, irrespective of their communities. This is well-known, and even the local Reddys see him as a role model leader.
There have been many instances where he sought only respect and consideration from his party leaders rather than anything else.
Vemireddy, who used to be with the YCP, left the party as he felt insulted and ignored, and joined the TDP before the elections.
As the TDP came to power, Chandrababu Naidu decided to give high priority to Vemireddy in this context.
He offered him the prestigious position of TTD Chairman, a role that has fierce competition from various quarters.
However, it is learned that Vemireddy humbly declined the post when it was offered to him.
Reports suggest that Vemireddy told Chandrababu that he would be busy with his business and would not be able to devote adequate time to the Lord's service.
TDP leaders say that Chandrababu was surprised by Vemireddy's rejection of this coveted post. They claimed that Vemireddy had decided that he did not want anything else from TDP except respect. This is why the TDP is giving him extreme priority.
Chandrababu is impressed by Vemireddy's clarity and understanding of the dedication and devotion required for service to the Lord.