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'Sex With Servant Maid' Not A Crime In India

Democracy is a strange game in India and there are many crooks who know how to make the most of it. The same goes for even the legal system in our country. Now, the latest ruling from the esteemed Supreme Court has been met with some skepticism as well as fear in the male community.
Apparently, the SC has stated that ‘sexual harassment bill for protecting women’ is applicable only to those who work in offices and other establishments. However, they have mentioned that a person who comes to do domestic chores at home to help the residents, otherwise known as ‘servant maid’ doesn’t come under this category.
Those who heard about this atrocities act are commenting “Does it mean having sex with servant maid is not under the crime category? And what if the lady employees ‘claim’ sexual harassment even if the man doesn’t do anything?”, wonder who can give the answer to that.

The experts say ‘sexual harassment on servant maids will be treated as normal crime and the convict will be punished only when proved with evidences. But the Bill for women protection with respect to sexual harassment arrests the convict first and that in non bailable”.