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Stop Armchair Politics, Buggana Tells Yanamala

Stop Armchair Politics, Buggana Tells Yanamala

Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath on Wednesday advised his predecessor and TDP senior leader Yanamala Ramakrishnudu to stop armchair politics. 

He also advised Yanamala to start visiting the villages to see the development taking place across the state. 

He took strong exception to the TDP leader making wild allegations against the government on its financial status and development of the state. 

Buggana said that Yanamala was trying to read out the script written by some people which would be of importance to the yellow media. 

He said that the yellow media in the state is deaf and blind to the facts and is spreading false and misleading information to misleading people. 

Buggana said that the TDP government had stepped out of power with just Rs 100 crore in the exchequer, besides leaving several pending bills and schemes.

He said that the TDP regime had increased the pension from Rs 1000 to Rs 2000 just two months before the 2019 general election.

Similarly, the Pasupu Kumkuma scheme too was launched just three months before the election and the amount too was paid through the cheques to the beneficiaries in three post-dated cheques. 

He said that the women were made to encash the cheques by standing in the queues at the banks. 

Accordingly, the women too stood in the queues at the polling booths and have taught a fitting lesson to the TDP leadership. 

Buggana offered to take Yanamala around the state and show him the development taking place in the state, if the TDP leader had the real commitment for the state.


Tags: Andhra Pradesh Yanamala Ramakrishnudu Buggana Rajendranath Reddy