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Ranganayaki is a Foot Tapping Dance Number

Ranganayaki is a Foot Tapping Dance Number

Young actor Narne Nithiin's next under huge production house GA2 Pictures titled "AAY." The film is produced by Bunny Vas & Vidya Koppineedi. 

It is directed by debutant Anji K Maniputhra. Allu Aravind presents it. With its captivating content and funny concept videos, the movie is ramping up anticipation. 

The second single from the film, a groovy track titled "Ranganayaki," has just been released, and it's already making waves. 

This high-energy, mass celebratory anthem is an absolute banger that's bound to become a staple at parties. 

It effectively captures the essence of rural life, thanks to the catchy lyrics penned by Suresh Banisetti.

Ram Miriyala has composed an addictive tune that is sure to get listeners tapping their feet and moving to the beat. 

The song is elevated further by the energetic vocals of Anurag Kulkarni, who sets the perfect tone for this electrifying number. 

Adding to the charm are Narne Nithiin's impressive dance moves and the delightful moments shared among the AAY gang, making for a captivating visual experience.

"Ranganayaki" isn't just a song; it's a celebration wrapped in an infectious rhythm that resonates with everyone. 

The vibrant choreography and colorful visuals only add to its appeal, ensuring it will trend on social media and dominate music charts. 

Kodati Pavan Kalyan will be handing the editing. Art direction is handled by Kiran Kumar Manne while cinematography is by Sameer Kalyani. The film will be releasing very soon.


Tags: Narne Nithiin AAY Ranganayaki