
Brahmotsavam at the Hindu Temple of St. Louis

Brahmotsavam at the Hindu Temple of St. Louis

In May 2022, the Hindu Temple of St. Louis witnessed a momentous event. Under the guidance of the board of trustees and the esteemed members of the St. Louis Hindu community, the Maha Kumbhabhishekam ceremony was conducted with traditional grandeur and unforgettable splendor.

During these sacred celebrations, Sri Hari, the formless one, was reinstalled as Sri Venkateswara, the visible deity of the Kali Yuga, adorned with a gentle smile, ready to bless and uplift countless Hindu devotees.

This year, starting tomorrow, from May 24 to 28, the Brahmotsavam celebrations will illuminate our hearts and spirits to celebrate the divnity among us. Sri Venkateswara will once again accept and embrace our devotion and bestow his divine blessings through Brahmotsavam festivities.

These celebrations, unprecedented in the United States, will be a visual feast and a spiritual guide, leading us from devotion to liberation.

With the dedicated efforts of the food committee, operations committee, cultural committee, pooja committee, prasadam committee, and garlands committee, and under the leadership of Chairman Sri Rajanikanth Gangavarapu, President Sri Vijay K. Sakshi, and Brahmotsavam Secretary Sri Murali Puttakunta, around 500 volunteers are meticulously orchestrating these preparations for a grand success of our tribute to the divine.

As a spiritual Extravaganza, Brahmotsavam is a special festival to invite, worship, and seek the blessings of the deities. It serves the dual purpose of preserving traditions, rituals, and beliefs and gives us an opportunity to seek the grace of Sri Maha Vishnu in the form of Sri Venkateswara.

Festival Highlights:
- Dhwajarohanam: On the first day of Brahmotsavam, a sacred flag is hoisted on the temple's flagpole, marking the auspicious beginning of the festival.

- Vahana Sevas: Each day, the deities are taken on special vahanas (vehicles) in a grand procession, featuring Garuda and other Ratha vahanas.

- Snapana Tirumanjanam: The deities are bathed with sacred waters, attracting significant devotion from the attendees.

- Chakrasnanam: On the last day, Chakrasnanam is performed, where Chakrathalwar is bathed in sacred waters.

During Brahmotsavam, a large number of devotees participate as the temples are adorned with special decorations and various pooja activities are conducted in yagashala with special emphasis on parikrama and vahanas for the diety. Devotees offer tulasi, flowers, and prasadam to the deities, expressing their devotion. Numerous music and dance programs add to the festive ambiance to make it an unforgettable experience.

Arrangements are being made to telecast the live festivities for those unable to witness the ceremonies in person, please witness the granduer of Vishwaksena Pooja, Punyahavachanam, Akalmasha Homam, Poornahuti, Gomata Pooja, Suprabhatam, Tomala Seva, Tiru Aradhanam, Vukta (Garuda) Homam, Dhwajarohanam, Ajasradeeparadhanam, Ankurarpanam, Navakumbharopanam, Vuktahomam, Sesha Vaahana Seva, Kumbharadhanam, Hanumantha Vaahana Seva, Garuda Vaahana Seva, Srinivasa Kalyanam, and Gaja Vaahana Seva.

Raja Surapaneni (Media Chair) thanked everyone who cooperated for the Brahmotsavam celebrations. He expressed special thanks to the Temple Management, Board Of Trustees, Executive Committee & Volunteers for their support to these sacred celebrations.

For additional details visit the website at:

CLICK HERE!! for Day 1 of Brahmotsavam. 

CLICK HERE!! for Live Telecast of Srivari Brahmotsavam.

Content Produced by Indian Clicks, LLC


Tags: Brahmotsavam St Louis