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Could Shoba Nagireddy's Death Be Avoided?

Erram Naidu before, Lal Jan Basha then, Shoba Nagireddy now. They all met an untimely death. Being noted Telugu Politicians is a common factor, there is one MOST IMPORTANT common thing in their deaths.

None of them were wearing their SEAT BELTS when they met the accident. It is very sad and unfortunate that neither Government nor media highlight this to raise the awareness in people, which in turn can save hundreds if not thousands of lives on the roads, every year.

Often people are misinformed and think airbags save lives. That is only half the truth.

Here is the official definition: The Airbags + Seat Belts in the car is called Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). In this system, the sensors would automatically pre-tension the seat belts to reduce occupant's motion on impact, and then deploy the airbag on impact. This integration of the seat belts and airbag forms into a restraint system, rather than the airbag being considered an alternative to the seat belt.

FACT: Airbags will not save lives UNLESS A SEAT BELT IS WORN. A collision at 40kmph can easily kill (both driver & passengers, front & rear seats) when no seat belts are worn.

DON’T LEAVE YOUR LIFE TO CHANCE… DON’T FORGET TO WEAR A SEAT BELT. And get your friends & family to put their seat belt ON.


Issued in the interest of the community by Shiva K Guntur, UK... Member of Telugu NRI Forum. Telugu NRI Forum ( works to protect the interests of Telugu speaking people in India and outside India). It works to improve the political system in India to better serve Telugu people.

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