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Donation Collection for Amaravati: TDP's Focus

Donation Collection for Amaravati: TDP's Focus

The construction of Amaravati is the first priority of the Chandrababu government. Everything else comes after that. Everyone knows that governments are not permanent.

Now, the people have shown unprecedented support, but the TDP does not believe that the same kind of support will be there in the 2029 elections. That is why the construction of Amaravati is expected to be completed within two and a half years.

In this context, TDP is planning to collect donations for the construction of Amaravati. Reports suggest that there is significant internal discussion within the party.

In the past, Chandrababu had called for donations of not less than Rs.10 for Amaravati's construction.

Now, TDP leaders are debating the potential impact of calling for donations of not less than Rs.100.

Some TDP leaders are skeptical of this idea. They remind that the previous call for donations had created opposition in other regions.

There is criticism that Chandrababu's government is focusing solely on Amaravati, raising the question of why they are not collecting donations for other areas. But reliable sources say that thousands of crores are needed for Amaravati's construction, and some TDP leaders strongly support this idea.

TDP leaders from Krishna and Guntur districts argue that the alliance's first priority is the construction of Amaravati and that it has received strong support from the people in all areas, so there wouldnt be any wrong in collecting donations in the name of building the capital city. 

It remains to be seen to what extent the idea of announcing donations for Amaravati will be implemented.


Tags: Chandra Babu Naidu TDP Amaravathi