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'I was ashamed of lots of things'

'I was ashamed of lots of things'

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg was ashamed of a lot of things while growing up, and says he was bullied.

“Being Jewish and being raised in the area where there weren’t lot of Jews was fine. Then I moved Westin, I encountered anti-Semitism as an elementary school student. Popular kids would pick on less popular kids,” Spielberg said while recalling his personal story of hate.

“I didn’t think of it as hate, but thought of it as a shame. I was ashamed of lot of things and they actually managed with enough chiding and bullying to make me actually feel ashamed of being Jewish. I felt pretty much like an outcast and when I got older, I realised bullying is a very pervasive tool to make other people feel like they are empowered,” he added.


Tags: Trolling Steven Spielberg Jewish