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So, Let's Talk About Choice India

So, Let's Talk About Choice India

We will get to Deepika Padukone's choices a little further in the story, let's get started by all the things that men do 'without choice'.

So let’s get started… a man is single, in relationship, married he still ogles at other women and tries to hit at them #without choice; a man decides to quit job, change jobs, change professions #without choice;

a man decides to jump out of marriage, jump into marriage and be in twilight zone #without choice; a man uses cuss words, abuses, indulges in passive and aggressive violence #without choice;

a man has sex, refrains from sex, passes on STDs to women #without choice; a man has no plans for life, wants to keep things hush hush till the right moment #without choice; a man eats, drinks, travels #without choice;

a man goes to social clubs hunting for single, married women to have good times #without choice; a man decides to move out of parents house, into parents house #without choice;

a man chooses to talk, not talk, talk in few words, maintain silence to look deep and immensely desirable #without choice; a man does never discloses his age, marital status, financial status and makes himself oh so wanted #without choice;

a man keeps no records, does not want to be tracked, does not want to be disturbed # without choice; a man marries or dates a woman who he is not interested in # without choice;

a man refuses to grow up forever wanting to be pampered by women in various roles #without choice; a man makes suggestive gestures, flirts blatantly and publicly, texts, dates, rapes #without choice…

And now let’s get to the choices of Deepika. Yes, when we put up with men of all sizes an shapes, shouldn’t women have the basic right to want that a man must accept her as she is?

Yes, if men sleep around and do not respect the woman he has and denies her physical intimacy, she has every right to check out her options to fulfill her desires as much as her mate; yes, if a woman has to schedule her every move and breath around a man, be it a father, brother, husband or even a friend, then she has every right to slip out herself once in a while; yes, when a man denies a woman right to motherhood or is impotent or is into extra-marital relationship, she has the right to choose how to go about her choices.

Yes, women we have to make our #CHOICES in a world full of choices laid out to us by men and more men.