Maverick evangelist and president of defunct Praja Sahanti Party K A Paul is back in the news with his sensational comments on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, that is creating panic across the world.
Paul issued a statement on Saturday, saying he was making an all-out effort to stop the Russia-Ukraine war.
“In fact, I have been trying my best for the last several days to prevent the outbreak of the war,” he said.
Claiming himself to be an international peace keeper, Paul expressed anguish over the escalation of war between the two countries.
“I have been undertaking fast for the last 21 days to change the mind of Russian president Vladimir Putin and make him stop attack on Ukraine,” he said.
Describing Putin as a “mentalodu” (a psycho), the evangelist said he had also advised US President Joe Biden last month to send military troops to Ukraine to prevent Russia from the attacking the country.
“But he has not heeded to my advice. He did not send any troops and remained a silent spectator when Russia was attacking Ukraine. It seems power has gone to the head of Biden, as he is not following my advices,” Paul said.
This is not the first time that Paul made such tall claims, which sound ridiculous to the people. He said in the past that he was responsible for the victory of Donald Trump in the earlier US elections.
He declared that he had advised Joe Biden not to withdraw the US troops from Afghanistan.
He also claimed that he had warned the Indian government about the evil designs of China long ago and its plans to capture Galwan Valley.
“I was the first person to sense the movements of China. In March, I wrote letters to all the country heads in the world and sent video messages. I have already attached the signatures of lakhs of people along with my letters,” Paul said.
He claimed that he had even warned several countries that there was a possibility of World War-III breaking out because of China.
“But my warnings were ignored. What is the reason for the death of 20 brave soldiers of India in the clashes with China?” he asked.
The evangelist further claimed that he had told the entire world in February that it was China which had created Coronavirus in Wuhan lab and from there, it had transported the virus to various countries.